You can give photographers a house-style Telemarketing List document and a briefing in which you indicate what kind of photos you expect. You can also show some pictures that you really like. Read here how to properly inform a photographer. It is useful to Telemarketing List discuss with the communication department to what extent photos should meet your ideal image. It is up to the communication department to monitor the style and communicate internally Telemarketing List what is expected from photos. You can also distinguish between media expressions.
What do you do when an account manager Telemarketing List posts his self-made - not too good - photo with a LinkedIn message from your company? Nowadays anyone can quickly take a photo with a smartphone and post it online. However, people on Telemarketing List are by no means always capable of looking critically at their own photos. Problems can be prevented by making internal agreements. For example, you can have photos taken for Telemarketing List your website by a professional photographer.
Employees are then allowed to take and use photos for social media expressions, possibly after approval from your communication department. You could also make agreements about whether or not it is compulsory to use photos from the internal image bank. You can also place smartphone photos in it after they have been approved by the communication department. If you think carefully in advance about what kind of photos you will and will not allow in which location, you can intervene if things go wrong. Want to read more about posting photos on websites?